iZinger  has more than 160 pre-recorded comebacks and zingers?
  Products:  iZinger
Ever wish you had that perfect comeback ready when you need it?  Well, now there's an App for that!  iZinger gives you more than 160 zingers and comebacks for every occasion - and you don't have to say word - iZinger will say it for you with hilarious pre-recorded voices!

When you launch iZinger you can get right into the action - just tap the speaker to hear your first snappy comeback!

Or, maybe you'd like to change the font, turn on the laugh track, or enable shakes - just tap on 'Configure':

Now tap over to the 'Zingers' tab for some real fun!  Just wait 'til you see the look on your co-workers faces when you zing them with a few classics - you'll be the life of the party!

Now that you've rated all of your favorites, just tap the 'Favorites' button to see them all ranked in order and find them even quicker when you're looking for that perfect line!


Now get out there and have some fun with your own copy of iZinger! :)